Take 5

Take 5

Our Mission 

To create a safe space and accessible resources for creators within the BIPOC community.

Take 5

Organization Information

Our Board

President 22-23 Jessie Bess

Vice President 22-23 Elisa Pedraza Sanchez

Treasurer 22-23 Brooklyn Turner

Public Relations 22-23 Rheagan Higgins & Connor Duncan

Production Liaison 22-23 KayCi Wolf

Our Meetings

We meet weekly to work on producing a project for that was pitched by members whether it is film, theatre, art, etc. After the piece is chosen all the members of Take 5 will be involved in the making of the production. At the end of the semester, the organization meets for watch party/performance of the produced piece.

How to Become A Member?

Show up to the interest meeting, fill out the google form, and pay your dues ($10).