About the Department

Welcome to TXST Theatre & Dance

One of the largest and most notable fine arts departments in the nation. A vibrant and active faculty of industry professionals prepare students for successful careers in the entertainment industry.

Our Mission

To nurture the next generation of collaborative, curious, and civically engaged artists, educators, and scholars.


The Theatre Division offers three undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with concentrations in Acting, All-Level Teacher Certification, Performance and Production, Film Production, and Technical Production. At the graduate level, the division offers a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in either Design or Directing. Our Dance Division offers three undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Arts in Dance, a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, an additional Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance with concentrations in Performance and Choreography, and All-Level Teacher Certification. The department also offers an undergraduate minor in both Theatre and Dance.

Our Team

Learn more about the faculty and staff that make up the theatre and division of dance

Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to answer any questions you might have