The Gateway to Your Future

Consider Texas State's College of Fine Arts and Communication as your next educational destination or career move.

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At Texas State, we recognize the importance of providing a supportive environment for artists to build and sustain a vibrant artistic practice. We warmly invite you to explore all that Texas State University has to offer and consider making our campus your new home, where your artistic dreams can thrive under our steadfast support.

txst band

Alongside our nationally recognized programs, our university offers free counseling services to support your mental health and well-being throughout your journey at Texas State. 

Texas State is not only an excellent academic institution but also one of the most affordable universities in the country. We offer two categories of scholarships: Assured and Competitive. As a non-resident, you may qualify for and be awarded an in-state tuition waiver--ultimately lowering your cost of attendance. 

We are dedicated to creating a supportive, vibrant community of artists and scholars for students of all backgrounds.

No portfolio review required.

We're looking for artists who are passionate about making art available in the lives of children (elementary level), adolescents and young adults (middle school and high school), and the community. Our graduates teach in public schools, museums, after school programs, and a multitude of non-traditional learning ecologies. The common denominator is a dedication to both art and education.

Learn more about our BFA in Art Education.

No portfolio review required.

The field of design has dramatically exploded over the past decade. In addition to being recruited as visual designers, companies seek out Communication Design grads as problem-solvers, thinkers and strategists who create solutions for communities and businesses. From designing trademarks, web sites, packaging, creating social media content or advertising for national brands, to educating the public about societal and health issues, to designing digital products and software solutions that solve complex business problems, earning your BFA in Communication Design prepares you for a future that fulfills your individual creative passions.

Learn more about our BFA in Communication Design.

No portfolio review required.

The Photography program offers a broad spectrum of historically informed course work to provide a rigorous and supportive environment to prepare aspiring photographers for the ever evolving world of contemporary photographic practices. Such a broad-based program allows students to investigate all aspects of the medium and garner the essential technical skills necessary to establish their own personal voices.

Learn more about our BFA in Photography.

No portfolio review required.

The mission of the Studio Art program is to educate visually articulate artists with a solid foundation in the conceptual, technical, historical, and professional aspects of the visual arts through a broad range of studio and academic experiences. The Studio Art program has seven specializations. These specializations provide outstanding opportunities for students to focus in a specific area such as Ceramics, Drawing, Expanded Media, Metals, Painting, Printmaking, and Sculpture, as well as to bridge their area of focus with other interests and mediums within the Studio program. Every area of specialization culminates in two semesters of Thesis work, a final Thesis Portfolio, and a BFA Thesis Exhibition. The Studio Art program serves a wide range of student interests and pursuits, and prepares students for professional careers as artists and arts professionals.

Learn more about our BFA in Studio Art

No portfolio review required.

We strive to establish a foundation of knowledge in the history of art and visual culture, its methodologies, and its active relationship to broader social and historical frameworks. Students gain a dynamic understanding of formal and contextual approaches to the study of art from past and present and learn how to use these criteria as the basis for critical thought. Major course work within the concentration includes the history, theory, and methods of art, supplemented by courses in general education and studio art. Students have the opportunity to pursue research and expand their education in the exceptional archives, galleries, and museums that stretch across the region from Austin to San Antonio, and they can participate in our Study Abroad program in Florence, Italy.

Learn more about our BA in Art History

The School of Art and Design offers undergraduate degrees in five areas of study, as well as two minor programs. A BA in Art is also available, which offers broad exposure across the five areas.

Contact Us

Art Education

For more information, contact Art Education Program Coordinator  Dr. Adetty Pérez de Miles or visit the Art Education Program webpage. 

Communication Design

To find out more about our program contact Communication Design Program Coordinator  Dimitry Tetin or visit the Communication Design program webpage. 


To find out more about our program contact Photography Program Coordinator  Jason Reed or visit the Photography Program webpage.

Studio Art

To learn more, contact Studio Program Coordinator Sterling Allen or visit the Studio Art Program webpage. 

Art History

To learn more, contact Art History Coordinator Jennifer Stob or visit the Art History Program webpage. 


To learn more, contact our BA in Art Program Coordinator Sterling Allen.

Undergraduate Degrees

Audition required.

This program leads to teacher certification for public schools, grades K-12. Areas of concentration include choral, band, and orchestra with all areas achieving elementary competencies.

Audition required.

This program provides preparation for performance and studio teaching careers as well as graduate studies in all music areas. Concentrations include classical guitar, instrumental - all standard concert ensemble instruments and strings, keyboard, and vocal as well as jazz.

Audition required.

The Sound Recording Technology (SRT) program is the only one of its kind in the Southwest. It trains students to enter into the recording industry in various capacities. Potential careers include music producers, live sound technicians, post-production editors, and much more.

Audition required.

This program provides a general liberal arts overview of music studies and is combined with a minor or second major of the students choosing to lead to careers in a variety of fields. Potential careers opportunities/fields including music business, music therapy (NOTE: This degree is not the equivalent of a Bachelors degree in Music Therapy. Students must transfer to a full degree granting program prior to graduation and/or complete additional certifications through another institution in order to receive a Music Therapy degree or accreditation.), music history/ethnomusicology, entertainment law, music ministry, arts administration, and music journalism, just to name a few.

Find your new home in the TXST School of Music

The School of Music has 92 faculty who teach more than 550 students who perform in more than 30 ensembles. Texas State University is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). 

 Additional undergraduate audition requirements can be found here. 

Contact Us


For inquiries involving our undergraduate degree programs and auditions; please reach out to: 


For inquiries involving our graduate degree programs and auditions/portfolio reviews; please reach out to: 

No audition required.

The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre degree provides students with a broad perspective in the theatre industry by offering classroom instruction in all phases of live theatre production. That instruction is reinforced by students' participation in every area of theatrical production and performance.

Learn more about our BA in Theatre.

Audition required.

Our goal is to provide holistic, wellness-based, customized training in musical theatre performance to prepare students for the current professional market and develop artists who live with integrity in all aspects of their lives. The curriculum has a cutting-edge, innovative approach that was designed by industry professionals to support artists who will define the future of the art form.

Learn more about our BFA in Musical Theatre.

Audition required.

The BFA Acting program is designed to develop students into actualizing their fullest potential both as actors and global citizens, each of whom is equipped to navigate and adapt to a constantly-changing industry upon graduation. Our program is a conservatory-style, four-year, sequence-based degree, offering the finest of actor training in the context of a nationally-respected university, and in close proximity to two of the most prolific artistic hubs in central Texas.

Learn more about our BFA in Theatre, Acting.

No audition required.

The BFA in Performance & Production at Texas State University is an innovative and unique degree plan for students interested in becoming well-rounded theatre artists with the diverse and entrepreneurial skillset necessary to enter today’s market.

Learn more about our BFA in Theatre, Performance & Production.

No audition required.

Our program is an intensive study in theatrical production with numerous specialized classes. Following the apprenticeship model, students will work on productions in various capacities under the tutelage of their major professors as they hone their skills. We have a large faculty and staff in design and technology and bring in guest artists as well, offering students an expansive learning opportunity.

Learn more about our BFA in Theatre, Technical Production.

Audition/Interview required.

The Film Program’s mission is to nurture the next generation of filmmakers, screenwriters, and digital storytellers, in making personal, meaningful, and award-winning work that reflects our region’s diverse perspectives, stories, and culture.

Students will audition/interview after their first year as a "Pre-Film" major.

Learn more about our BFA in Theatre, Film Production.

No audition required.

Our rigorous curriculum covers every aspect of theatre performance and production, provides a solid foundation in theatre history and analysis, offers a broad exposure to process drama, including thorough coverage of pedagogy and education theory, and features extensive classroom experience at the high school, middle school, and/or elementary levels.

Learn more about our BFA in Theatre, Teacher Certification.

No audition required.

TThe Bachelor of Arts in Dance degree provides students with a broad perspective in the dance industry by offering classroom instruction in all genres of dance. That instruction is reinforced by students' participation in every area of dance production and performance.

Learn more about our BA in Dance Studies.

No audition required.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance degree provides students with a broad perspective in the dance industry by offering classroom instruction in all genres of dance. That instruction is reinforced by students' participation in every area of dance production and performance.

Audition required.

The Performance and Choreography track is geared towards students who aspire to perform and/or choreograph in a professional dance setting or want to pursue a master’s degree in the dance field. Students in this track are exposed to the higher levels of our technique classes as well as choreography/composition classes. Additionally, they are provided with the tools to engage in critical thinking and research strategies to create their own choreographic products. The curriculum emphasizes the role of dance as a catalyst for artistic expression and a means for developing a global perspective. Respecting the body instrument is paramount to the technical dance training at Texas State. The dance faculty selects students with a strong technique base and/or a highly developed creative sense through auditions (fall and spring).

Learn more about our BFA in Dance, Performance & Choreography.

Audition required.

Students explore multiple genres of dance, learning to contextualize theory and practice in educational, professional, and community settings. The curriculum emphasizes the role of dance as a catalyst for artistic expression and a means for developing a global perspective. Respecting the body instrument is paramount to the technical dance training at Texas State. Students learn injury prevention techniques and efficient body mechanics while honing their skills in performing, teaching, and creating original dances. Students are expected to maintain appropriate artistic and academic standards at the discretion of the Dance faculty.

Learn more about our BFA in Dance, Teacher Certification.

Note: Any Texas State student, regardless of major, is welcome to audition for our shows. 

*The audition deadline for our Acting and Musical Theatre programs has passed, and all seats have been filled in those cohorts for the fall of 2025. If you wish to audition for those programs and be considered for the class of 2029, the applications will open on August 1.  

**Our Film program has already promoted students to full major status for the fall of 2025; however, if you have 60+ credit hours, please email our chair, Sarah Maines,, with your past syllabi and examples of course work. 

Contact Us


For inquiries involving our BA in Theatre, BFA in Musical Theatre, and BFA in Theatre, Acting; Performance & Production; Technical Production; and Teacher Certification; please reach out to:


For inquiries involving our BA in Dance Studies, BFA in Dance Studies, and BFA in Dance, Performance & Choreography; and Teacher Certification; please reach out to:


For inquiries involving our BFA in Theatre, Film Production; please reach out to:

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